
Customizing the color schemes for your computer. Color themes for your system and applications

In a rather recent development, more and more software can be set to different color schemes. Usually, CSS is used for defining different designs (themes). Here is a list: Microsoft Windows 10: built in  Microsoft Windows Powershell 5.1 (powershell.exe): Right mouse button context menu > "Preferences" > "Colors" > "Screen background" Microsoft Windows PowerShell ISE (Powershell_ISE.exe): "Tools" > "Options" Microsoft Office: built in Firefox: built in: Preferences > "Addons" > "Themes" + "Preferences", section "Fonts and Colors" > "Colors..." > "background" + ShadowFox + Add-on "DarkReader"   Bio7: built-in: "Window" > "Switch Theme"

GGCGen 1.0.5: A GUI for generation of Opentrons-compatible protocols and lab robot control

I released the software GGCGen   version 1.0.5. GGCGen provides a graphical user interface for the creation of opentrons API version 2.0 (APIv2) compatibe Python scripts (opentrons protocols). The backend pyotronext is used for translation to G-code and robot control , see here for details.  The "opentrons API" for Python by Opentrons Labworks Inc . is an open protocol standard that can be used to control lab robots. One problem of Opentrons original implementation is the tight integration with their hardware and the rest of Opentrons software framework. To overcome this limitation, GGCGen and pyotronext provide a more flexible and customizable framework written in Python that can be easily configured to control any robot that understands G-code (Marlin dialect) using the same protocol standard. Copyright (c) 2020 DerAndere

pyotronext 1.0.5: Convert opentrons protocols to G-code and control lab robots made from 3D printer

I released the software pyotronext version 1.0.5. pyotronext can interpret opentrons protocols and control lab robots (e.g. DIY cartesian pipetting robots made from a 3D-Printer). Opentrons Labworks Inc. develops the open source opentrons API version 2.0 (APIv2) as well as a tool to convert JSON files that have a similar format as Transcriptic's Autoprotocol standard. The opentrons Python APIv2 allows easy and flexible scripting. Using the Python package pyotronext, you can run Python scripts that use the opentrons APIv2 and send G-code to a lab robot that runs my modified Marlin firmware ( Marlin2ForPipetBot ). pyotronext can also export the generated G-code to file. pyotronext serves as a backend for my Graphical G-code Generator and robot control software GGCGen .  Copyright (c) 2020 DerAndere

Scalable knitting patterns with open source software: Textile design with Inkscape and GIMP.

I made a video tutorial that explains how to design knitting patterns that can be scaled to arbitrary size using the open source programs Inkscape v0.92 and  GIMP 2.10.10 . It may be especially interesting to the community of the All Yarns are Beautiful (AYAB) project . This page was moved to . You will be automatically redirected to in about 6 seconds.     Copyright DerAndere 2019 - 2020  

[Ethymology] Herkunft des Sprichworts "Ich glaube es hackt"

Seit ich als Kind zum ersten mal die Dauerausstellung "Schrift und Zahl" im Heinz-Nixdorf-Museum (Paderborn) sah, bin ich fasziniert von der Entstehung von Sprache und der Herkunft von Worten (Ethymologie). Jetzt bin ich auf einen Onlineartikel gestoßen, in dem diskutiert wird, ob das deutsche Sprichwort "Ich glaube es hackt" nicht besser "Ich glaube es hakt" lauten müsste. Es wird das Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache (Heinz Küpper 1950) folgendermaßen zitiert: »Ich glaube, es hackt bei dir = du bist wohl nicht recht bei Verstand? Anspielung auf den "Vogel", der im Kopf hackt« Viele Nutzer schreiben in den Kommentaren, dass sie eher der Meinung sind, es müsse eigentlich "Ich glaube es hakt" heißen. Der Nutzer "Joss" erwähnt, dass die Ethymologie des Wortes von Grimm und Grimm gut wiedergegeben wurde und schreibt desweiteren: » "Der Haken" war im in früheren Zeiten auch "der Hacken" (trotzde...

Demonstration of the lab robot "PipetBot-A8" by DerAndere.

I am proudly presenting a working prototype of my pipetting robot "PipetBot-A8".  Of course it is an ongoing project and there are many things to improve, but the device is doing what I want and its precision is already quite good. Here is a link to the video . After I finally managed to fix most issues with my robot control software GGCGen, it is ready for testing. I uploaded an introductory video that showcases the Graphical G-code Generator . Visit the page "PipetBot-A8" on this blog for details. Brought to you by DerAndere.


Ich wünsche Allen eine gemütliche Weihnachtszeit und einen guten Rutsch ins Jahr 2019! Title: Winter landscape. Chalk on glass window. This photography is copyright (c) 2018 DerAndere. All rights reserved. DerAndere

Get rid of your kilos in less than 4 months?!

Are you worried about gaining some extra kilos during Christmas time? Then you may be pleased to read that your old kilograms will be gone in no time. In fact, exactly on 19th May 2019 all kilograms in the whole universe will be gone "PUFF"... and they will be replaced by brand new, much better kilograms! WOW!  That is because the 26th General Conference on Weights and Measures revised the International System of Units in order to derive all SI base units from natural constants. So the kilogram is no longer defined as the mass of the International Prototype Kilogram. The new definition of the kilogram is rather: The kilogram, symbol kg, is the SI unit of mass. It is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the Planck constant h to be 6.626 070 15 × 10 −34 when expressed in the unit J⋅s, which is equal to kg⋅m 2 ⋅s −1 , where the metre and the second are defined in terms of the speed of light and the caesium frequency .   I'm sure you lost at least two kilo...

GGCGen - Graphical G-code Generator for robot control

GGCGen - Graphical G-code Generator GGCGen - the Graphical G-code Generator and lab robot control software comes with an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) for automatic creation of G-code.  This website was moved to . You will be automatically redirected to in about 6 seconds. Copyright 2018 - 2020 DerAndere

Gimp makes progress, but Krita and Darktable get it right.

GIMP 2.10.6 introduces vertical text layers and comes with improved performance. Recently, the GNOME foundation received a 400,000 $ donation and they sent a quarter of that money to GIMP. Hopefully this financial support will help to finally make GIMP useable in a productive environment. Currently, color management is still broken. But the space invasion project made the underlying General Graphical Library (GEGL) fully color-managed and the developers of GIMP try to make use of this and make GIMP fully color managed, too. This development takes place in the GIMP 2.99 development version ( git master branch of GNOME/gimp). For the time being, stick to the second big open-source image manipulation software, Krita , whenever possible (the text tool needs to be overhauled). Krita 4.11 has support for Python 3 scripting, vector, filter, group, and file layers. You can nondestructively work on layers with masks. Krita supports full color management through LCMS for ICC and OpenColor IO fo...