Customizing the color schemes for your computer. Color themes for your system and applications
In a rather recent development, more and more software can be set to different color schemes. Usually, CSS is used for defining different designs (themes). Here is a list:
- Microsoft Windows 10: built in
- Microsoft Windows Powershell 5.1 (powershell.exe): Right mouse button context menu > "Preferences" > "Colors" > "Screen background"
- Microsoft Windows PowerShell ISE (Powershell_ISE.exe): "Tools" > "Options"
- Microsoft Office: built in
- Firefox: built in: Preferences > "Addons" > "Themes" + "Preferences", section "Fonts and Colors" > "Colors..." > "background" + ShadowFox + Add-on "DarkReader"
- Bio7: built-in: "Window" > "Switch Theme"