GGCGen 1.0.5: A GUI for generation of Opentrons-compatible protocols and lab robot control

I released the software GGCGen  version 1.0.5. GGCGen provides a graphical user interface for the creation of opentrons API version 2.0 (APIv2) compatibe Python scripts (opentrons protocols). The backend pyotronext is used for translation to G-code and robot control, see here for details. 
The "opentrons API" for Python by Opentrons Labworks Inc. is an open protocol standard that can be used to control lab robots. One problem of Opentrons original implementation is the tight integration with their hardware and the rest of Opentrons software framework. To overcome this limitation, GGCGen and pyotronext provide a more flexible and customizable framework written in Python that can be easily configured to control any robot that understands G-code (Marlin dialect) using the same protocol standard.

Copyright (c) 2020 DerAndere

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